
Estimates will be provided at no cost. Please send us your original document to or contact us from the inquiry form (google form) below indicating your name, company name, contact number, and the target language that the document is to be translated into. We will try to meet your deadline if it is provided in the email or inquiry. We can receive emails with data up to 10MB, but if your data file is bigger than that, we might not be able to receive the data. In that case, please call us to make sure your inquiry has been received.
You are also very welcome to visit our office with your original document.
For the inquiry about estimate, please contact Tanno (Mr.) at 053-433-6108 by phone. We will do our best to meet your demands.

All data received by us will only be used as references for cost estimation. We will delete all data immediately after providing you with the estimate as per instructed, or within 6 months if there are no particular instructions.


Should you have any inquiries about our services, please contact us at the following numbers and address.

TEL: 053-433-6108
FAX: 053-443-7715
Inquiry Form:Click here
Address: 1415 Sekishi-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 431-3114 Japan
Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Access to Our Office

Our office is a 5-minute walk from Sekishi Station or a 7-minute walk from Saginomiya Station on the Enshu Railway.

Walking from Sekishi Station: Head south along the road on the east side of the train tracks. Past the intersection with a railroad crossing, you will find houses among rice fields. The one in the middle is our office.

Walking from Saginomiya Station: Head north along the road on the west side of the train tracks. Past the railroad crossing, immediately turn north and follow the train tracks. After passing the first intersection, you will find seven houses on your right. The one in the middle on the north side is our office.

By car: Please park in the space in front of our office. If it is occupied, please contact us.